Weekly Schedule 6/24-6/30

Weekly Schedule of direct to film transfers or completed tees fulfilled by Ollie & Co.


The schedule will close Sunday of the schedule at midnight.


Please use the google drive link for the product photos & engagement graphics-https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UulswacpvqyXqgDg51zCsHhlbX911IxH


The Trello board (free) is where you will find the schedule & verbiage to go with the product photos - OLLIE 6/24-6/30

Link to quick watermark the engagement graphics via Canva is-https://www.canva.com/design/DAGIuGixN1k/FUFkvdBT_D-48yHqsIZcxQ/view?utm_content=DAGIuGixN1k&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview

The schedule  

Connect via Synclogic code for completed tees - 39WLNV04


Shop the Weekly collection here - Weekly Completed Tee Drop – shopollieandco